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Spoof - the Matrix on Windows XP : Kinda cute, and has a few funny lines.
I can't wait till FIOS hits my 'hood. 4 Comcast techs, and I'm still getting ~3 of the 16 Mbps I pay for. (sorry for the double post)
Does anyone know a good cheap/free Adobe Illustrator alternative for OSX?
Reason 573 that Obama is my pick: better understanding of science/technology policy:
@comcastcares I had an equipment failure. My modem's seen better days - sorry I took so long to get back to you!
@comcastcares Thanks Frank, I spoke to a supervisor and everything is fine now. I just wish I didn't always end up asking for a manager.
If comcast cares, why do I always need to speak with a supervisor before I get anything approaching reasonable customer service!?!
I feel I should elaborate - the condonation is only for the sake of preserving genetic awesomeness.
http://cookingwithrockstars... FTW. The Lynch sibs rock - never before have I considered the condonation of incest.
@willvuong speaking of coop: burnout paradise is on its way.
This is going to be a nice night: Chinese food with some old Hong Kong flicks. Nothing like a little Sammo Hung to inspire an appetite!
@Management Which neighborhoods are you shopping in? It's awesome you guys have started looking!
I just noticed a bunch of stuff I added to my Netflix queue showing up on my Amazon recommended page. Coincidence?
Status update - I'm only bleeding intermitently, and very minimally. The pain's still bad, but drugs are working better. Still no energy
Roku's netflix box is great! I can't wait for HD and more media. Starting next month we're replacing cable with roku/netflix.
Wisdom teeth are gone - now I'm working on undoing the blood loss. Yay for vicadin! Boo for having to swallow with a mouthful of gauze.
Yay! Doug just said I'm "epsilon away from finishing this project!" Maybe I'll start writing a paper intro tonight
The firefox beta update fixed the proc allocation bug that kept me from using it. It's starting to look like the browser 2.0 should've been
My roomba was getting jealous, so it unplugged my computer!


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