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You know how it works, you sit down to do work, then you check your server browser, and next thing you know, you're playing L4D for 2 hours.
rescheduling meetings is cool... but why not notify me. k thx bai
@anthonybucci I've recently started to follow this philosophy. it makes me a lot happier
@netbanshee black & white story boards in illustrator. Refine. Repeat. -- wouldn't it be nice if SEPTA had an API too?
WP 2.7... Drupal 6.7... I think its a weekend full of upgrades infront of me
@frips don't apologize, go forth and kick ass.
@frips have I mentioned that I'm jealous that you're in NO for the Drupal Event?
3 hour IT full staff meeting, after a 1 hour all staff meeting... how productive am I today? HA
everyone loves beanstalk! Thanks.
anyone in the world want to recommend SVN hosting? Thanks.
I think the economy is doing fine... /sarcasm :
anyone out there using aptana cloud?
the mistake I made, was tleling my boss the good news... cause it was kinda a big deal I had to dive in to... oh well
well crap, a problem I expected to take all afternoon to fix, I fixed in 30 minutes... ... I'm not sure how to handle that
@stellargirl depends on how much of the family I'm forced to spend time with :)


kellan JHill Geoff DiMasi Major Nelson (Larry) Joe Cairns leisa Jeffrey Zeldman Eric A. Meyer Adaptive Path mediatemple John Resig roz duffy Livia Labate J. Adam Moore Michael Crawford Alex Gilbert WyldKard National Mechanics Aptana Ken Awesome Anthony Bucci fuzz Joe Pierce Alex UA Kelani Nichole Zimbra, Inc Tony Hirst Sean Jordan indyhall slicehost matt Felicia Day Matt A.K.A. Starbuck uwishunu zapgun2358 allisonisugly DreamHost Status