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We're at NECC 2007!
Arrived back in Tucson. Good Night, Zimbronians. :)
JH-Going to AZ
JH-@LAX. They really need those quick walk things. I'm sweatin here.
Writing a blog post.
Community work. :)
JH-looking up historical earthquakes for Cali
Planning for NECC 2007 in Atlanta, Booth(s): 3449
5.0 Beta 1 is out!
Forums ( + Dr. Pepper + Frasier=Good Stuff :)
Forum Stats
JH-Woah, I hope we hire some better poets ;)
What it is, we cannot say; pretty fun, if you may. A "REVolution" some may call et; something neat we'll call Zim-let.
reading the digg post:
JH - Dr. Pepper & cheeze-its. :)
JH - Meeting.
JH - Just woke up from a night of bug fighting (not the crawly kind either). Surfing forums (
KH - wife just made some coffee
KH - heading to the gym
JH-heading to bed.