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Playing World of Goo!
Yay! My new glasses are ready!
Dan is sickly.
Dan's Tips for Cold Season, #1: Dissolve throat lozenges / cough drops in your tea.
NYU telling kids who can't afford tuition (due to the recession) to drop out and go to school with me. Erm, no thanks.
@innonate Trying my best to head over after BarCamp meeting. Philosophy essay due tomorrow though, so we'll see.
@nwc for BarCampNYC4 planning meeting.
@innonate change of plans. BarCamp Meeting, then phone banking.
@stevel my PowerBook does that sometimes if I bang it on something.
Twitter Poll: If I were to re-format my Skylines Calendar ( for 2009, would you pay a few bucks for a download/print?
@potatono would totally apply is school wasn't in the way of me working FT
@potatono that sysadmin job is FT right?
Did I just spend 20 minutes watching a short lecture on D&D dice? Why yes, yes I did.
Duhem and Dragonforce.
@embereye Welcome home! At least they didn't make you brush your teeth with the mascara.


Evan Williams seanbonner Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Jonathan Greene Scott Beale thomasknoll Brett Petersel Kevin Lawver Aaron Huslage Dan Cederholm naveen Thor Muller Robert S Andersen Daniel Newman Alex Hillman Amit superamit Gupta Kevin Cheng MJ Tantek Çelik Hickensian Gabe Wachob Leslie Chicoine Bre Pettis Oyvind Solstad Grant Hutchinson Greg Storey John Gruber Tom Reynolds David Chartier Anil Dash Scott McNulty Status Updates dotBen
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