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"We give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way." A new prayer heard this morning. Happy thanks-giving to all.
@phdaisy: After a decade of Internet addiction, taking breaks is good for me. Amazing piece you wrote for btw.
@MarilynM: Hey there. Good to hear you. After canyon country solitude, I'd no rush to get back online.
@TheJennTaFur: Underscores that church ain't just the preacher or edifice but the whole congregration. Glad you got feeling part of whole.
@TheJennTaFur: Nice! Or, maybe it's you that changed (more allowing)?
Sitting on curb reading Tweets while I wait for REI Las Vegas grand opening in 75 minutes. Free gift cards for earliest fans.
@davidburn: Aha so you're writing a novel? I saw Neil Gaiman speak Friday and reinvigorated to write for children plus adults.
@wizmical: So you in Vegas too?
Can't believe number of people I met within last week that ramble (& live) in an RV, SUV, truck, or tipi. And I thought I was a free spirt.
@TRUE: Yay! Such a simple movie, I'm almost embarrassed to love it so much. But rich too. I loved how welcoming and undogmatic Vianne was.
@TRUE: Seems related, not opposed. Dance comes from passion, joy, exuberance in the moment without need of thinking. Commit acts of dancing.
@unbridledidiocy: Did solo backpacking trip into Chesler Park more than 6 years ago. Again - just out. Speechless. Sleeping there is magic.
Off the grid for another day or so. The cottonwoods are shimmering honey joy this time of year.
Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order. - Samuel Beckett (via @evem)
Someday spend at least 24 hours sauntering, and sitting in Canyonlands - just you, the striped spires, the gnarled junipers, the raven.
Put your hand on the ground. Feel for the flood. It is coming, always. - Craig Childs (author, The Secret Knowledge of Water) signed book
@MarilynM: Provocative post. My life did fall apart in January 2001. Met a lot of free spirits this week living out of RVs, trucks, van.
@zoestardust: Oh I was being facetious. Don't own TV either. One day I realized no one would watch a show if actors sat around watching TV.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Adam Rugel Evan Williams Jason Shellen Jerry Michalski Chris Sacca danah boyd om Chris MacDonald Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Paul Terry Walhus adam Scott Beale Maureen Evans thomasknoll Dhrumil Jason Calacanis Ben Askew Derek Powazek brady forrest Ruby Sinreich Andrew Parker Brian Kerr Stowe Boyd Brian Conley Beth Kanter Elisa Camahort Colleen Wainwright Kuanyin Moi Emily Chang Alex de Carvalho Tantek Çelik
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