Sahadeva Hammari’s Favorites

Raul Gutierrez
themexican It's nice that NY is still the type of place where you occasionally see people bouncing down the streets on pogo sticks.
jake dobkin
jakedobkin Listening to elliott smith and thinking about "darkness at noon"-- it's a downer party on the A train
Heather Snodgrass
likeomg personally, i see no issue with a dashboard confessional playlist for such a shittastic friday afternoon
Abhay Kumar
abhaykumar Overheard in the office: "People don't need a search engine; they need a fucking hug"
jake dobkin
jakedobkin wincing the night away-- slipped on some wet rocks in shaolin and fell directly on my camera, shattering a lens and cracking a rib
jake dobkin
jakedobkin While reading about altruism, saw a child spill strawberries on the ground, where they'd smush and trip people. I didn't pick them up.


kareem Matt Jacobs Andrew Parker Heath Row jcn finn noah kagan Ian Van Ness Jason Santa Maria Khoi Vinh Liz Danzico Jack Cheng Joey Roth luke0x danny wen janelle Jamie Wilkinson Shawn Liu  Michael S Galpert Chrysanthe Tenentes Jen Bekman jake dobkin Raul Gutierrez swissmiss Travis Crawford Tien Mao corey brown slicehost matt Alicia 20x200 Adam Varga secretnap karen sandler Lessig Heather Snodgrass