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I have that sickening feeling you get when you realize you just trashed years worth of backups........
@sawickipedia I was a victim of the same credit card hack.
Make that @brianshin that I'm meeting up with.
Headed to Boston to meet with @bshin
Reading: "Three Online Data Exchanges" ( )
I wish my computer UI looked as cool as they look on 24. Jack Bauer has all the toys.
Add Lookery to your site yet? We're 65% faster than Google!
Headed to caralena's school for her thanksgiving play. I'm more excited than she is!
Waiting for a midnight train in Philly for the... Way too many times in the last 2 months to want to remember..
In a food coma after a delicious lunch at my sister Monica's house. She can cook as well as I can eat!
In the low 20s this morning in Boston. Headed to snowy PA. Meh..,
@sawickipedia & @Rafer dropping science on Twitter tonight. Sharing attorneys with your investors? You'll get better odds at the dog track
Lookery Dev team amazes me every single day. Floored.
@payne92 Good article,, we learned the hard way at #Compete that the Car Dealers are the real Mob, not the Big 3.
Feeling like I'm in a country song today
Representing the Frozen Tundra known as Northern New England this morning.
Caralena is dodging bath time.
@danmil Camera Obscura indeed.
I always forget how good a Belle & Sebastian album can be. Next up Decemberists.
LOL! "...The DOW is down... My form of coping: imagine my accounts are at ZERO and then think of unicorns and rainbows." - @brianshin


Josh Kopelman Chris Fralic Mike Champion om tedr Dave McClure Raj Bala Matt Cutler Rob Hayes Oren Michels Kirsten Spoljaric Nabeel Hyatt seth goldstein Dave Winer JohnBorthwick Brian Del Vecchio Sutha Kamal Scott Hussein Rafer Prashant Agarwal Mark Bao greg cohn Brian Breslin Pito Salas Kevin Burton rahmin sarabi Jeremy Zawodny Jon Pierce Jay Meattle Eric Hammond Jannis Leidel Chris Saad Jesse Legg PJ Hyett shareaholic alexis ohanian
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