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@mturner - thanks for getting in touch. Probably need more than 140 chrs. Can I DM you?
Tuttuki Bako - Japanese for "fucking weird":
so "pregnant man" used to be a woman. Not much news there, then. (sorry, spoiler)
nice reminder about the importance (and inevitability) of the cloud by @swardley -
@ostephens oof. We just launched an internal blog on WP. Lovely. I think I might even have converted a few Sharepoint hardcore..
fuck a duck. is Flex Builder *really* 425Mb? Ouch.
@m8nd1 dimdim is good - played with it a bit. Easy to set up, good functionality. All o that.
@foe what's up with George?
Twitterverse, I badly need to make contact with an Adobe AIR expert. Please retweet if not you. Will pay in beer.
@jtrant I'd be using MS Paint, not Photoshop if I was
Considering that psd was 435mb, the system-wide meltdown took a while coming
thanks to @paulabram for this: - GENIUS! Check the shoulder out!
@BenjaminEllis is "finnishing" a typo or a way of making those tasks a bit more Finnish?
Have bought cheese and onion pasty for breakfast. Classy.
Interesting how function of # on twitter has changed from technical necessity to readability improver. also redundant now
#bus14 with son1 instead of bike. Had vision of sliding all the way down the hill
shit. it's tomorrow. bed time. night all
wow. I really, really like the bumptop interface. much respec' (as I believe they say)


foe Giles Turnbull jamesb Phil Wilson Tim Beadle Lisa P PeteJ Frankie Roberto bryan kennedy Andy Joe Leech Laura Francis Capn Sensible Pete Dale Lane Rob Styles Josie Fraser Tom Goskar Zoe Drew Jones Mark Ng Paul Miller Pete Gilbert John Bradford michele turner Peter Gradwell Suzi Tom Scheinfeldt Elliott Kember Mandy Phillips Brian Kelly Nina Simon Saurier Duval Sam Machin Dan Zambonini Keir Whitaker
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