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2002 = one very bad year for music
is watching an old true life - how bad were the songs back then?
here's a thought - do you have daily blogs you follow/rss as part of your morning pick me up? If so, audition some new ones today..
is searching for inspiration and planning out the day..noon's not late for that right? I'm a late riser right now
is ready to go again after a quick yogurt and fruit parfait snack..naptime!
aaaaah bollywood overdose..someone turn off the tv please
is dreaming up useful content after being inspired by Steve's column yesterday..not as easy as it sounds but give it time..
to dos for tomorrow: 1. bedrest 2. more bedrest 3. blood tests ... my life rocks..
is bored and watching celeb rehab..
BFFs on their way this weekend - the news just gets better :-) Nite all in twitterland..
Wow 3 books in as many days..I think I have too much free time on my hands..I love it!
Aagh I am the biggest email junkie ever - there's my NY res..
whats a few more hours right?
So I decided to take a break and read from the novel instead, I mean, come on priorities, the email has already waited this many years..
my current efforts at GTD include cleaning out old email. At 6000+, I have my work cut out for me..
is staying in bed today - yup, all day..
It's taken me a while to finally get to this - new blog post for anyone interested: http://usandtwocats.blogspo...
is so glad to be feeling like a human again - maybe I can finally study today? Naah, I'm going to enjoy this day..the studying can wait..
@hollyhoffman @suitablegirl - into stepping stones, but there is a limit! Getting rxed with a major illness means enough of 2008, onward..


Dave McClure adam Aubrey Sabala Dhrumil Brittany Bohnet Angelique Elke Von Freudenberg i heart quotes Justine Chris Brogan Chris Wilson Mo Riza Veronica Belmont termie Kitta stephthegeek puneet Nicole Lee Mickipedia Mel Kirk Melissa Liz Henry Jacqui Cheng Ben Casnocha the Domestic Diva Bethany Sarah Austin David Roth xicanista kellypuffs Justin Wise Sameer Vasta Tiffiany Tate Shannon Seery Gude Lori-Lyn
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