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@marc1919 I was talking to Mark Prasatik and we both agreed that I should be getting you to refer "passed on" deals that are b2b
@AndyAE Ha ha ha. <grin turns serious> Yes! On a side note, it gets alot of laughs. <wink>
@sandeepmancha do you know of any US b2b companies we can help?
@MrTweet is helping me uncover relevant people in my network I had been missing out on. Check him out!
RSVP for the Mixer: The 12/10/2008 Mixer is upon us. RSVP TODAY! Use the invite link there to invite your cr..
What is Servant Leadership?: Give It First or Pay It Forward? Servant leadership snuck into my lif..
[CxBlogger] Simplify Media - Connect Your Music: Simplify Media - Connect Your MusicI am ..
@minimalistic Sure. Maybe we can help you and maybe I can refer your deal around Houston.
@marc1919 Know anyone I should talk to? You know of any "passed on" we can help?
@marc1919 we could help those "passed on" until the investors want them. We do that for banks already.
Reading: "10 Quick Ways B2B Companies Can Cross Market During the Holiday Season & Capitalize on National Write a Business Plan Month - ...
Stupid question: what do angles and vc call deals they don't want? I would like to have them referred to me.
Checking out great followers and influencers in my network with help of @MrTweet, my networking assistant!!
@RichieMoore yes, it was hard to believe. How are you doing? is the best
The greatest compliment -- 5 Steps to imact your network: I had heard about Christine Spray for ab..
pizzahut's service is in the toilet. long hold times. rude people. I'd be amazed if they stay in business.
@guykawasaki where on alltop should I look for companies we can fund?
@LongevityCoach No, I'm not that prolific with tweets. I am busy trying to fund as many companies as possible before they have to layoff.
tried to get fring for my new samsung a767 propel :(


Naina Redhu Gavin Mr Messina Martin Hall thomasknoll Molly E. Holzschlag Alex Hillman Aldon Hynes drew olanoff John Federico Michael Bailey Alex Rudloff Eric Vaughan Pat Robert Scoble giovanni Mark 'Rizzn' Hopkins    Erica OGrady Robyn Tippins Marc Nathan MG Siegler Matt billerickson Brent Yager Jeff Keni Pulver amber mac Nikki Lamagna Dom Barnes Dave Peck Jason alvin foo Brad Grier Ric Hayman Luis Suarez Chris Garrett Chris Cree
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