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Trieschman Center for Consultation & Training

In 1998, the Albert E. Trieschman Center, renowned for its staff development and training courses for line staff and supervisors, became a division of CWLA. Now known as the Trieschman Center for Consultation & Training, it coordinates and manages CWLA's professional development activities. The Center provides: Through the Walker Trieschman Center, CWLA demonstrates its ongoing commitment to serving professional staff in child welfare agencies nationwide. For more information, contact Floyd Alwon at 617/769-4008, or email


Finding Better Ways is our national conference that showcases innovative programs and practices in child welfare and behavioral health care. The goal is to find more effective ways of working with high-risk children and families. The primary target audience includes administrators, clinicians, supervisors, trainers, and direct care staff from private and public agencies that provide a range of treatment and support services for high-risk children and their families.

Publications/Courses/Training Programs

  • Parent Resources for Information, Development, and Education (PRIDE) is designed to strengthen the quality of family foster care and adoption services by providing a standardized, consistent, structured framework for the competency-based recruitment, preparation, and selection of foster parents and adoptive parents, and for foster in-service training and ongoing professional development.
  • Effective Supervisory Practice is designed for both entry-level supervisors and more experienced middle managers from a wide variety of human service organizations dealing with children and youth. Comprising two three-day courses that complement each other but can also stand alone, this competency-based program employs a dynamic "action plan" approach to help participants implement effective strategies and techniques for "managing from the middle."

    • Maximizing Return on Your Training Investment: A Reference Guide for   Managers

      Training is a critical component of workforce development. But experts agree most agency training programs have limited impact on the performance of workers in the field. This reference guide provides a wealth of information, as well as easy-to-use assessment tools to help managers get the most out of every training dollar.
        Download the PDF for free. (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)

    • Fact Sheet

    • Competencies

Workforce Development

The Walker Trieschman Center has taken a strong leadership role in heading up the Child Welfare League of America's initiative to examine and seek possible solutions to the workforce crisis in the child welfare field, advocate for policies and practices that will strengthen the child welfare workforce, and provide agencies with strategies for recruiting, developing and retaining employees in a broad range of positions. For more information on these efforts go to the Workforce Development Initiative Program Page.

Other Services

Professional Development Institutes offer focused staff development activities featuring nationally prominent subject experts. These institutes, offered in multiple sites throughout the country, address crucial topics designed to keep practitioners informed of effective treatment innovations.

Family-Centered Practice involves consultation and professional development activities that support child welfare organizations, particularly residential providers, in their efforts to become more family focused. Curricular materials were developed through The Carolinas Project, a multi-year comprehensive initiative funded by The Duke Endowment.

Consultation, Technical Assistance, Program Innovation, and Evaluation. Consultation and technical assistance can be provided to private and public organizations. Project management and program evaluation particularly as these relate to innovation and promising practices.

Links and Other Resources

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