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@marick not abuse: exposure to the harsh aspects of the practice at *exactly* the right time to be a challenge not discouragement.
@plightbo it would be fairly easy to clone these for a BrowserMob situation, but we see no need (at this point)
@plightbo my colleagues and I have written a number of look-ahead tests using Selenium. A combination of textLike and waitFor is powerful
@plightbo yes, seems like a poor candidate for system-level automation
@qualityfrog oic. lemmee think about that one for a minute then :-)
@qualityfrog wtf? if you're coding HTTP you're certainly not doing POST or whatever for each letter typed.
classic ET on stealth feature. nice, get to help handle some edge cases before real users find them
fudging some dates so the last iteration of the year ends on Dec 31
@lisacrispin we have a rule around here: "say what you mean; assume good intent on the part of others". good rule for 100% distributed team
heh. 30 points scheduled, 31 accomplished
looks like I'll be in Palo Alto in Jan. Not sure of the dates yet, but sure would like to catch Ramsey Lewis at Yoshi's SF
is it possible to get twhirl to show my followers' replies to others?
hmm. snowstorm predicted just as the in-laws arrive
best "Stolen Moments" ever
heh. my wife just brought home a box of Rocky Mtn Chocolate Factory chocolates bigger than my head. literally pounds of chocolates
argh been meaning to build a set of API test tools for the new People API but other priorities interceded. Now I need one but don't have it
this is weekly neighborhood jazz night. haven't made music with actual other human beings in some weeks, and missed it a lot
@lisacrispin " Say you want to search the web for donkeys. "
@marick isn't "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" a Perl one-liner?


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