rentzsch’s Favorites

Brandon Walkin
bwalkin AppKiDo for iPhone was released today: (download link)
Greg Parker
gparker Forget Web 2.0 - wait for Web 3.11 for Workgroups.
Jeff Johnson
lapcat Wouldn't it be funny if the two governors shared a jail cell? Sounds like a sitcom.
Chris Espinosa
cdespinosa #XCTOTD: Select a method name, control-click, Find in Project > As Symbol. Shows all call sites for that method.
David Chartier
chartier Damn I would kill for iTunes to support tagging.
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman Each time I stay at a hotel, they've found another little pillow to add to the pile at the head of the bed. It's like a pillow arms race.
Pat Lee
patlee Love the fact that Outlook sitting idle in Unity view that the whole VM is only taking 10-15% CPU while Camino is taking closer to 15-20%.
Chris Hanson
eschaton If you log in to Mac OS X using an all-uppercase version of your password, the entire UI should be in uppercase.
John Siracusa
siracusa @leebennett - Actually, I have two. I cut pictures out of one and taped them to my bedroom wall when I was 11. (Sorry ladies, I'm taken.)
Scott McNulty
blankbaby having to pay Ticketmaster $2.50 to print out your own tickets seems a little silly to me.
electric jemmons
jemmons Me: "Could 'committee' have more double letters?" Her: "It could be 'coommittee'."
Greg Parker
gparker @AndrePang __attribute__((cleanup)) adds a try/catch around your code. On iPhone this is slow. And 32-bit Mac's @throw ignores your cleanup.
Luke Burton
hagus "git stash" is the hotness. "Shit, this stuff I'm working on should really be on its own branch". git stash / branch/ checkout / stash apply
Uli Kusterer
uliwitness Every time I have to sit through one of these frakkin anti-piracy commercials on my bought DVDs, I wanna go and sneak DeCSS into Toast.
Jonathan Wight
schwa Upon further experimentation - it looks as that if your user-agent merely contains the string "CFNetwork" all your http api requests 404.
Jonathan Wight
schwa All comes down to user-agent. If my user-agent is the default one supplied by NSURLRequest then delicious will 404 my request.
mikeash Crazy code of the day, slightly compressed: NSArray *objs = [SubclassesOfClass(...) valueForKeyPath:@"alloc.init.autorelease"];
Andrew Wooster
wooster @boucher Tell me about it. Make sure your app release date is -after- your contract approval date, or it won't show up 1st pg of recent apps
sanguish Ticking the brightness down on my 22 month old has resulted in almost 90 minutes of additional power life!


Buzz Andersen Manton Reece Justin Williams Jonathan Wight Robert S Andersen l.m. orchard Brian Cooke Alex Payne Zac White Grant Hutchinson rands Travis Cripps David Chartier teh_real_chock ssp David Lanham Scott McNulty Clint Ecker Jacqui Cheng suʍoq ɹǝɥdoʇsıɹɥɔ Jeffrey Zeldman Wolfgang Ante Kevin Ballard Chris Foresman Alex Rosenberg Jon Crosby John Siracusa Greg Titus Tony Arnold Amy Jane Gruber Twitterrific Sean Marko Karppinen Fraser Speirs Zachery Bir Brent Simmons
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