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working on my website. time for a break.
started project management class today. now have a few hours to kill.
downloading sw and going to climbing gym now...
nice to wake up to dead can dance and tweets from my friends
watching 30 rock, start pm class manana.
@kmeelyon u cant do that enough really
waiting for amma
@kmeelyon i hope your heart gets massaged well...
@sanfranannie a friend saw the perf last night and totally loved it
earplugs are my friend today. bacon also as usual.
@ericreid the palin quote was classic
@kmeelyon instant netflix = lots of 30 rock! yay.
@kmeelyon where did you get your google themes?
@mangled_postman really enjoyed the photos. some great and beautiful work.
@elea i'm sure you look fabulous.
going to see the legendary pink dots tonight...
@kmeelyon maybe people experience what they want to get out of it...
got up early to watch the sunrise and meditate


Lars lane Glenda Elea urban_mermaid lilbear Jenny kmeelyon jennY Ann Larie Valentine andrea innocent Aaron Green Peter Williams klowitz Sam Storer MelanieL Katie Jo Alex Miller crystalainardi Tanay Tayal Scott Bale msturkishdelite Corey Denis