United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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West Virginia NRCS
News and Views

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
May 2008
In this News and Views

Message from State Conservationist

From the Field
basket of vegetables Potomac Headwaters RC&D, Mountain RC&D, Little Kanawha RC&D, Great Kanawha RC&D.

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WHIP Improves Aquatic Habitat in Abram Creek
photo of partners

West Virginia State Conservationist, Kevin Wickey (third from left) joined Governor Joe Manchin III and other partners announcing the Abram Creek Restoration project on April 19, 2008.

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Appalachian PMC Hosts Workshop for WV Conservation Agency
collecting willows photo The Appalachian Plant Materials Center (PMC) in Alderson, West Virginia hosted a technical training session for several State Conservation Agency employees on March 12. Focus of the training was proper preparation of dormant “Bankers’ dwarf willow hardwood cuttings for successful planting in riparian areas.

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75th Anniversary of the New Deal /Soil Erosion Service
photo of journal

The New Deal is the title that President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave to a sequence of programs and promises he initiated between 1933 and 1938 with the goal of giving relief, reform, and recovery to the people and economy of the United States during the Great Depression.  NRCS has its roots in the Soil Erosion Service, created in 1933 as a temporary agency under the National Industrial Recovery Act.

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Bill O'Donnell Honored for Service in Afghanistan

Photo of Bill Bill in the desert.

On May 2, USDA honored more than 40 Department employees, including Bill O'Donnell and 13 other NRCS personnel, for their service in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bill O'Donnell detailed to Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan from August 2004 - February 2005.

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MLRA-127 Soil Survey Staff Identify New Soil in West Virginia
photo of soil profile Pipestem is a new soil series in West Virginia. "Pipestem,” is a plant that once grew in abundance on the upper waters of Pipestem Creek, a tributary of the Bluestone River.

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Bits and Pieces

Conservation Education
grassland judging FIRST Robotics Competition Winners, 2008 WV Save Our Streams, Greenbrier County 2008 Career Day, The Grassland Evaluation Contest, WVU Soil Judging Team, Celebrating Earth Day in a Different Sort of Way, Arbor Day/Butterfly Garden , Envirothon

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Civil Rights
photo of 08 WV CRAC May is National Stroke Awareness Month, What Women (and men) Need to Know about Retirement

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Meet Brandon Duckworth

Personnel News

The WV Master Calendar is now a shared calendar in Outlook for all employees to view. This calendar will be updated daily, weekly and/or monthly as the editors add information.

See WEST VIRGINIA BULLETIN NO: WV330-6-9 at http://www.wv.nrcs.usda.gov/intranet/archive_bulletins/fy-06/330-6-9-MasterCalendar.pdf (231 KB) for instructions to access the master calendar.

To submit news items for the August News and Views, please send an e-mail message to Carol Lagodich.

The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain and improve our natural resources and environment.

NRCS West Virginia State Office
 75 High Street Room 301, Morgantown, WV 26505
 304-284-7540 | fax 304-284-4839

Kevin Wickey, West  Virginia State Conservationist

NRCS field offices are located throughout West Virginia
Visit http://www.wv.nrcs.usda.gov/contact/ for addresses and phone numbers.

An Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer

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Last Modified 05/14/2008