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Shout out to my PSV mamas. You are keeping me sane today and I love you all.
So, @wisekaren, what time should we come over tomorrow night? ;)
@supergirl1964 fireplace. DVD. takeout. wine (for us, not them).
Trading humorous Lord of the Rings references with a co-worker. I am geek resplendent.
@califmom I so love living in a place where I don't have any concern for *catastrophic seismic activity*
oh. right. work.
I've had to pee since I left work. I've not yet had a chance to go since I got home. Ah...parenthood.
To the young woman DJ-ing at WERS right now: it's pronounced NEE-koh Case. Not NEH-koh Case. She is not a candy wafer.
Ok, NOW I want to cry
yeah, that corn beef hash with eggs was a mistake.
fuck it. i'm having coffee.
caught between two conflicting instincts: KEEP WORKING and GET SOME REST. Hence the crankiness.
that black sqiggly over my head means STAY AWAY.
I long for the heating pad.
I kind of hate you a little, @cthulhia
makes no sense to me, but I'm just going with it.
because I'm sure you're DYING to know: according to chiro, the cause of my pain is due to a rib that's out of aligment in two places.
had to reschdule my photoshoot for tomorrow night. Didn't want to risk aggravating the problem. I hate letting clients down.


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