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Christmas-eve surrogate with the in-laws in jutland. The duck is a-roastin'.
@heilemann: aren't you used to being part of a commercial non-nation by now? Or at best, one third of the market Senodk?
No liquids on planes is PISSING ME THE FUCK OFF! It makes no fucking sense!
Watching The Bourne Identity again. Excellent fighting scenes.
Newer rubik's cubes feel like custom jobs - the stickers are durable vinylish and the cube turns smoother. Yay progress.
Mmm... cinnamon. Vanillas biggest rival.
Wondering about the importance of the disparity of lambda calculus and the fact that a computers execution method is a giant state machine.
Reading Real World Haskell
@heilemann: Flickr turned to the dark side long ago.
Mmmm... Uncharted 2.
Copenhagen is wet. As are my socks.
Watching Jesus Camp again, this time with Anna. Evangelicals are scary nutcases that should have their children taken from them.
Why does John Mayer seem like such an affected douche?
I am ridiculously happy.
Argh. Seem to have ruined all our glassware with our dishwasher
Mobileme sync works like crap. Apple, get on that, will you?
A simple, web2.0ish, flexible issue tracking tool that is free to use - is there such a thing? I
Analogik is on iTunes Plus. You have no excuse not to buy it.
@heilemann, wow, yeah. That geek movie article was probably the worst movie taste EVAR!


Heilemann Mertz Thor Frølich Brendan Borlase Kahrzdns medieroderi Kasper J. Jeppesen Kasper Hartwich lyager qingbo 37signals Joen Garrett Lisi flugge azzar spacetimefoam Jens Schriver Sidsel Marie