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Betty Anderson joins New Hampshire NRCS as Grants & Agreements Specialist

I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, Spokane, WA, and Washington, D.C.  My folks worked for the U.S. Department of Defense in California and then Washington, D.C.  I graduated from the University of Virginia with a B.A. in American Government and received a J.D. with honors from Boston College Law School. 


Betty AndersonI started working for Verizon (then New England Telephone) in its legal department and subsequently as an EEO manager.  In 1990, my husband and I decided to settle in Rye, NH where his family had roots dating back to the late 1800s.  From 1990 to 2002, I worked in Verizon's Real Estate Department performing a range of duties including contract management, leasing, building management, construction project management, and finally, energy conservation.  My proudest accomplishment at Verizon was receiving its top environmental award for creating and leading the "Energy Champions" program where employees volunteered to be Energy Champions at their locations throughout the United States.  That same year, I was honored by Portsmouth-based Clean Air - Cool Planet as its first "Climate Champion". 


At the end of 2002, Verizon gave me a financial downsizing offer I couldn't refuse because it afforded me the opportunity to devote my time to my children, then ages 10, 7, and 4.  So, for the past five years, I had an almost single-minded devotion to them and their education including being elected to the Rye School Board in 2004, upon which I still serve as its Vice Chair.  I also recently completed a training program certifying me as a special education advocate to help families navigate school's special education processes. 

Now that my children are 15, 12, and 9 (Andy, Kerry and Dave), and all doing well, with my oldest daughter away at a boarding school in my husband's hometown of Concord, MA where his mother still lives, I am thrilled to restart my career and look forward to this new chapter of my life with the NRCS.

Some of my interests include politics, education, and travel.  The best trip ever was a ten week cross-country (and back) camping trip with my family the summer after I left Verizon.   We left the day after school let out and got home the day before it started again logging just shy of 15,000 miles and 22 National Parks and Monuments.  My kids earned Junior Ranger badges at them all!

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