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Breakin' out the Make My Logo Bigger Cream.
Need my design mojo tonight.
Wishes the ability to see it in your head = the ability to create it.
Working and listening to John Lennon.
Feels good to get some work done for a change.
Pretty happy with how this is turning out, hope I get it done in time.
@thenip Harry Nilsson The Point
I want my boxee alpha invite so bad
Were my external HD problems caused by the USB cable and not the enclosure/drive? Maybe I won't be getting a Drobo yet.
Woke up with a hard-on for Drobo. Or was it just Cali Lewis?
Bunches of client meetings tomorrow...mommy, I'm a big boy now!
@justex07 thanks...we'll see what happens. i had no idea people had been replying to my tweets...shouldn't i get notified?
Working on top-secret project No. 345. I like to keep a lot of irons in a lot of fires, ok?
I can't believe I never saw Monty Python's The Meaning of Life.
Doing laundry. Wondering how I can have such a great day when my sister is having such a shitty one.
Obama rally line longest line I've ever seen.
Just about done with my portfolio.
Would have had a different night had Twitter's device update's been working...curious.
So close to being done with my stupid portfolio


Jason Calacanis Daniel Burka Kevin Rose Stephen Colbert Jeremy Fields Kristen Leigh Nelson JonnyPez Joe Nipper Dames heather23 John C. Dvorak alexalbrecht billyschuh Brandon Hauber Adam Boisclair sarah_dixon Justin West evillincoln