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En route to Paris, TX for nephew Jared's tenth birthday dinner. Happy b-day @johnerik, too!
Allergies are in full swing. Important memo to self: Claritin 24-hour only works about 18 hours for me. Gutting it out for now.
@MQmoxie Since about 1929, I'd guess. We *are* talking about three of the largest employers in the U.S.; probably not smart to let 'em fail.
Sigh. Twitteriffic on my iPhone has crashed - doesn't even get as far as showing the tweet list. Guess I'll be restoring it when I get home.
grins at this NSFW fake car ad:
@Merbrat Cats and dog, living together. Otherwise, no.
arrived in scenic Dallas about an hour ago. Whee!
More ThinkGeek madness:
is going to Dallas today. This was unexpected. However, means I'll get to celebrate nephew's 10th birthday on his actual birthday -- bonus!
Another cool idea from the mad genii at ThinkGeek:
is awake, kinda. Bedroom is pleasantly chilly, especially with ceiling fan going for air circulation. Really don't want to get up.
just checked outside. Sleeting hard. Very glad I don't have anywhere I have to be.
O HAI WINTER! Temp just above freezing and falling quickly. Rain/sleet/hail, depending on the minute, with snow not too far north of here.
@rory_blyth OTOH, it might. Who are we to judge?
@shadowsinstone I'm pretty sure there are bad sectors on the hard drive. Going to check it with Disk Utility when I get home tonight.
@shadowsinstone 2005. Got it in, I think, April. 4 GB, second gen.
is shifting a bunch of podcasts from the dying iPod mini to the still-vibrant iPod video. Whee fun.
This video honors the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Retweet at will.
@BadAstronomer I didn't make it past "all we know about stars is their color."


Fake Henry Rollins Chris Thomson Jonathan Marcus Adam Jury Mignon Fogarty Barack Obama Yuvi Panda Laura P Thomas Dusty Reagan Bruce Sterling Wil Wheaton Jonathan Coulton Cesar Torres Troy Rutter Nik Chick Jamais Cascio Christopher Hayes Phil Plait Jimmie Bragdon John Erik Metcalf Chris White Kevin Cummings David McNett BNO News Stever Robbins Will Hindmarch Hal Mangold Paul Tevis MCM Sandra Karr anniekate76 MQmoxie Paul and Storm jeremya milesobrien Randy Cassingham