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Too bad you just redecorated:
My MSNBC clip is up []
| Planet Abell | Sunday in the Perk with MSNBC: NBC, Third Floor Originally uploaded b..
David Gregory is official as MTP host. I didn't predict it, but I did pimp the concept last June []
Blew through 200 followers without noticing. Tomorrow? The world.
In the car heading back north. MSNBC hit went well. Face-to-face this time, so I'm movin' on up. Blog post later.
Today's courtesy car to MSNBC is a charcol Lincoln. Good. I had become so bored with black.
@samerfarha. Wow, that sucks. I am tweeting on fumes, but they should have a section section on the HP.
@samerfarha. I'm reading a "newspaper." No batteries required.
@samerfarha. Boston Beer. Co. With 1% of sales. Page B2 12/6/08 NYTimes.
Quiz to @samerfarha: what is the leading independent brewer in the U.S.?
@KelseyProud I am told: Will the recession hurt iPod sales. A preview: not especially.
Dinner at Candle 79.
Somebody won Danielle Radcliffe's jeans with a $4k bid in a charity auction after today's matinée of "Equus".
Appearing on MSNBC @ 8:30 Sunday morning.
$165k for Palin hair in the waning days of the campaign. I KNEW nobody could look that good for nutin'.
300,000 apply for 3,300 Obama jobs. Is that all!?
In NYC for Equus, Candle 79 and shopping. No, it's not my birthday.
Newspapers require no batteries. That is very wired.


Mr Messina Dylan Tweney Megan McCarthy John Gruber Charlie Sorrel Ars Technica Six Apart Anthony Moor Steven Levy AdamD Michael Calore anniebluesky Ken Eric Auchard tom glocer Chris Ahearn Rashunda Tramble David Cohn Sarah Katie King Cameron Shaw David Graves Mark Horowitz Brandon Keim nicfulton Samer Farha Marty Cortinas PaulBrannan Brian Green kouroshk bsch vincrosbie Land du Pont Gunnar Garfors