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Crazy weather on the coast means I'm stranded in Somerville in someone else's pjs this evening. Trusty laptop mitigates this somewhat.
Off to a meetup to watch The Librarian. Woo!
BF's birthday today. Got MeFi to play a Happy Birthday midi for him whenever he was logged in. It's good to be a mod.
Taught Dad how to share his entire hard drive with everyone. The man is unfazed by security precautions.
My current job involves watching 80 yr old women in bathing suits while listening to Alvin & the Chipmunks sing Christmas songs. It's okay.
Clicked to "Opt out of the new search experience" just because they called it an experience.
amusedly retweeting @casahighland on "sperm return" Yeah you heard me, not what you think.
Lady swimming laps in the pool just told another lady she has 14 great-grandchildren.
Bought some painters pants for five bucks. Walking around with a hammer in them just because I can. Next up, stripey overall pants!
Vermont's Big Read book is the same as NH's was last year. Not that I don't love Farenheit 451, but really, there's nothing else?
@everyone-who-inquired He was wearing a swim mask over each-eye goggles. It was weird. He must have been seven feet tall.
The tallest man I have ever seen is swimming laps. He is wearing two pairs of goggles. No this is not a Donald Barthelme story.
Lifeguarding. Itching to swim. Reality *and* metaphor.
Word my students don't know: Flickr. Word Scrabble doesn't know: inline. Word I don't know: DEFEAT.
Off to bed early, with comics and laptop.
To guy in the library: making "I'm stalking you" jokes to the woman who offered to fix your computer is a Bad Plan. Sorry I make you nervous
"Hi, this is Jennifer from I came across your site and was wondering if you have any advertising available." - a short MeFi post about apples.
Flickr is sort of huge yet I seem to know most of the people there using this tag


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