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@fitzwillie excellent suggestion! happy hour starts in 25 min too. if they have wifi I'll be in heaven
2 hours to kill in downtown San Jose and no wheels. what to do?
Silicon Valley Conference Aims to Raise the Planet's IQ: #wired
tech museum invited students to build virtual exhibits in second life-- then built those exhibits for real in the physical museum. cool!
Self Portrait in a Convex EVA Suit Visor:
@Mindworm I like it: we're too busy writing the news to bother applying for news awards! esp from dying-media awards organizations
@joemfbrown a primarily reporting driven organization like could enter the Pulitzer running though
@Mindworm of course I care about the Pulitzers: I didn't win one, dammit!
Just saw an amazing demo of "tangible bits" projects by MIT's Hiroshi Ishii! my favorite: the super fun I/O Brush
at the Program for the Future conference at San Jose's Tech Museum: http://programforthefuture....
the first question to ask when shopping for an HDTV is: how big is my brother in law's TV?
"I will say that I'm doing a terrific job ... given the circumstances." Obama on quitting smoking
watching Obama on Meet the Press
@lsherman thanks for the heads-up
came *this* close to terminating my FriendFeed account, but settled for merely de-linking it from twitter
creepy! FriendFeed just randomly posted something to my Twitter account w/out asking me. something from July 24!
If this is working, this FriendFeed message should show up on Twitter, too (via FriendFeed)
@yarnivore the MSI wind is the best of the netbooks we've tested. also, the most hackable
must always remember to carry a multitool on weekends. I just needed it at CC's tap dance rehearsal, of all places
spam from god? subject line: I am infinite & surprised & pleased to wait for you!


Evan Williams Xeni Jardin om Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Daniel Scott Beale John C Abell Joanne Wan Jyri Engeström Megan McCarthy Mark Frauenfelder Veronica Belmont fake mat honan Tantek Çelik Bre Pettis aa Andy Baio photomatt Christopher Locke Kat Herding Dave Coustan Anil Dash Clint Ecker Jacqui Cheng Rose India jessamyn west lane hartwell don thorson Dave Bullock Charlie Sorrel Joel Johnson Matt Haughey martin varsavsky Matthew Wanderer
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