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Amazing photo from the history of green tech: a giant turbine blade slain. People stare at it like Lilliputians:
@cyenobite and @ElPocho: both those tips worked, yielded great results.
@cyenobite @ElPocho That's exactly it. Thanks for the help! I'll report back.
Here is how much of the history of green tech is known/presented -- -- Interesting, but anecdotal and lacking in context.
Having such a brutal time trying to scan old photos from a book. They are coming out with strange lines. What am I doing wrong?
Last Steven Chu tweet, promise. WiSci Primer on Obama's probable DOE pick:
Also, I've noticed that Chu has a little catchphrase for sure-thing energy solutions: "You can bank on it." I hope we hear it a lot.
Chu pick could be good for next-gen geothermal. He seems to be a big fan:
Here's a full hour of Steven Chu video put out by UC. Get to know the man who looks like the next head of the DOE.
Chu: "Normally you feed sugar to yeast and it makes ethanol... Ethanol is good stuff but quite frankly, I'd rather drink it."
Chu: "The price of photovoltaics will go down by a factor of 2 or 3. You can bank on it."
We're buzzed about Chu as DOE head. And not just because we had an interview with him on the future of US science research in the can.
10 minutes of Steven Chu at the National Energy Summit:
Wired Science loves the pick of Steven Chu as Obama's energy secretary! (That is, if if the murmurs turn out to be true)
How did I miss this map of US psychogeography? (And is it even a little bit trustworthy, he wonders.)
@CarrieWorthen I love MindHacks! Vaughan is an excellent writer.
Looking around for some sources on the psychology of corruption. Much harder to find than you might think.
Via @sarahrich: the Wall-E bento box. Reminds me of watching my niece cry when we got her a horsey pinata. Then hit it.
2/2 Fossil fuels get big subsidies, but they are huge industries. They shouldn't but on a % basis, they aren't getting much. Just saying.
1/2 Comment coming RT @energy4america US energy subsidies: Coal $3.4B, Ethanol $3B, Oil&Gas $2.1B, Renewables $1.8B, Nuclear $1.3B


Biz Stone Xeni Jardin peterme Dylan Tweney Nancy Scola Paul Cloutier Josh B Joanne Wan Thor Muller brady forrest Dinah Sanders Megan McCarthy Emily Chang fake mat honan Bobbie Johnson Ian Wilker kris krug Steve Rhodes Ben Ward Steve Mitchell Jemima Kiss Deepak Darius Roberts @jdar Jason Robertshaw Michael Banovsky Dave Bullock Scott McDonald Marri Lynn Hilary Mason Joshua S Hill J. Adam Moore Lynne d Johnson Kambiz Kamrani Kit Seeborg Ariel Waldman David Lee King
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