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Attention Facebook and Google people, your programs *just* launched. It's not too late! Take a look:
Dear Google and Facebook: Seriously? You both had to use "Connect"? "Unite" wasn't available?
Naturally, the wireless went down just as I was in the middle of a few conversations and emails. Back up now (I hope).
@dylan20 Thanks! In case you haven't heard the news, I got a new gig!
RE: the whole Lilo vs. Facebook fight- - someone should note that MySpace hired Sam Ronson to DJ a party in Sept
Having a magnificent meal with @Eris and others. Happy Thanksgiving, all!
@dens Not the Honey Bear! Poor little bear.
The woman next to me on the bus makes the sign of the cross when we pass a church. Otherwise, she's silent and still. It's sweetly touching
Reading an unintentionally hilarious article in W about a ridiculous socialite/divorcee.
Any New York media types interested in a Nortel Web.Alive party tonight in Chelsea? A friend is helping to run it, I can put you in touch.
@megancarpentier Please come to SF soon! BTW, love your latest post:
The sun is up! I should go to bed.
About to watch the new 007 with half the internet. I think the combined force of all the iPhones in this room is interfering with the sound
RIP Valleywag
16th St between Valencia and Guerrero is shut down for the hope-iest impromptu street party ever. Obama! Yes. We. Can.
I'd like to thank America for choosing the hot one.
For the record: Can't spell right now because I'm smiling too much.
retweet @monstro: Terroeist fist bump now officially known as the Presidential fist bump. Pass it on.
Spontaneous post-election dance party in SOMA!
Congratulations, President Obama