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Sliding with my bike in the rain
developed a weakness for phil collins. oh crap
feeling moved by the words of toni morrison
@bs I'm at the sports bar too. Can't see you for all the trees. Sucks
had the most inspiring tea-break in years.
I really hate when I have to wait 1 hour for something to update. retardeee
"det löser sig. jag ska sova på problemen. kanske kan sova mig igenom finanskrisen"
"- I would love to have random intelligent conversations with people that I don't know and will never meet"
watched jackass 2.5 with my roomates. gross.
fell asleep 2.30am woke up 7am. awesome
Eating salad. Marie: "- are you on a diet". Me: "-euhm...yea"
a day of calls and meeting. I also want an office on 32nd floor.
watching michael buy more machines
@modea heysan is viral. we added 10,000 users last night. then we fell over. preparing for long night
it's happening again. can someone give us more servers and ram please?
@simonhildor turns out it's not a deam :) This Monday seems to be moving faster than normal Mondays.
someone please pinch me.
trying to concentrate
Got a letter addressed to "Gustav Aletezemep".
stuff that white people like: indiepop


Jack Dorsey crystal Jeremy Adam Rugel Evan Williams rayreadyray kellan Krissy Bush Brandooon Blaine Cook Josh Kopelman telene Ted Wang Sara Chris Sacca Yarrow Kae Bucans stephysan Jeff Bonforte Michael Sharon Maureen Evans Kulveer 琳达 Ninja Bot Killer Toni Graham Sumon Mike Rowehl Jyri Engeström Amit superamit Gupta termie Harjeet avner ronen Leslie Chicoine SMITH Magazine Tigerbajs Alex Payne Jon
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