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Just spent 20 mins scrubbing solid ice from my car. What is this, canada??
Listening 2 scissor sisters while stuck in rediculous traffic. Want 2 scream! Why are there so many people on the planet??
just acquired 500GB of space!!! more excuses to not be editing! : s
wearing my new scissor sisters tee, remembering last night's concert. thinking about jake dancing in little sparkly shorts makes me happy :D
bizarre dreams! i'm stuck on a spaceship in the future with kostik, teenie &maya; though we can transport back to present by a vacuum hole in ceiling! :s
off to dancing after a useless day. damn maya and her prison break dvds!!!!
painfully rolling out of bed after two intense dance classes last night. ouch..
drooling at all the beautiful stuff at mac world in nyc
so tired from too much walking.... body hurts
Walking across brooklyn bridge... Absolutely magical!
DBOB hey sexy, hope u get this
just saw an awesome play on broadway in nyc!