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although, to their credit, the abuse scenes were very drawn out, relying far too much on slapstick and rhymed verse
AND they ignored my screenplay about a heavily abused child nurtured by condors who is saved by an off-duty clown using an RC bobcat
“we only wish we could induct every tear-stained rabbit hand puppet into our hallowed…” oh go blow yourself, hallmark hall of fame
shoes 2 (or “raisins” to be exact) is all yours.
one i overlooked: 8-bit licks thru the arduino
how to make grape nuts cereal at home
@alanapost dear senators, while swimming with rare eagles i won an emerald crown. are funds set aside for a cleaning spray? please advise.
dear expert, my foot looks like anjelica huston. often it cramps up when children sing to it. all part of the impersonation? please advise.
i wonder what book they put the paw print in, though. i can’t think of a book with hamsters. just a dead dog in mother night.
“my wife and I adopted the hamster from the grandchild of the late famous science fiction author kurt vonnegut.”
python’s lack of rubyish blocks makes a metaphorically direct port of shoes impossible?
“i had a little yellow roll-top desk … writing stories about bears and monsters in a tablet that i wish i still had”
wait, actually, i did mention that i was a freelance professor, which got us down that train of thought.
@banderson623 i met her at a flea market. so i’m afraid i have no strategy, it just happened.
an enlightening chat with a very charming high school principal. pure happenstance. a hacking class for next year? she ate it up.
micro lua ds is very slow to start, but it has excellent ideas. both the sprite and map classes are coming to shoes.
finished, getting ready for raisins
i am intellisensing some kind of latin keyboard disturbance coming from upstairs
oh whops almost committed that last one to nokogiri
@amyhoy i once knew a guy like that who used to go to laser tag and piss on people from a darkened balcony. i wish i had your fortitude.


Buster McLeod Kevin Lawver Geoffrey Grosenbach Adam Keys Robby Russell Raymond Brigleb alana post Amy Hoy Jacob Harris Chris Wanstrath John Resig Evan LeslieW rick Patrick Ewing Lyle Johnson Avery Edison babie Christian Neukirchen Ernest Prabhakar Marcel Molina Steve Dekorte ただし Akinori MUSHA Eric Mill dr. casey hall eban NaHi Shugo Maeda Rich Kilmer Bil Kleb Dr Nic Blueberry Satish Talim Satoshi Asakawa hodgman