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@Malarkey very complicated == lots of custom add-ons and php in templates? If so, are you sure you want to use EE? If not, no need to wait.
(at #fowd that is)
@collylogic Well well well! @smallbeer at #fowa, jambor-ee coming up and now this! Two pEEs in a pod... Well played! =)
@smallbeer No plans yet, but I might make some.
Going to the gym despite lack of motivation.
Trying some popular new music (for me): Kings of Leon, Bon Iver, Hot Chip, Santogold, MGMT... Other suggestions are welcome.
Espresso and some left over dark chocolate. Omnomnom...
HRG works at my local gym, or so it seems.
Going to trade in my fancy bike for a more basic and sturdy one.
Some guy just came round offering to take my old house boat off my hands when my new one arrives. How queer!
@Cocoaholic Sorry, kan nie. Vrouwtje is jarig en Sinterklaas met de schoonfamilie. Thanks anyway. :)
@Cocoaholic Geen fan per se, maar ik vind ze best leuk. :)
Uploading from localhost to public server...
@shapeshed Better still. It's a 60-page photo book I secretly made from her pics of the 3-month trip to Thailand she took this summer.
Ooh! Package arrived earlier than expected. Which means the missus will be extra happy tomorrow. :)
Hmm. Dutch language pack for EE is stuck at 1.6.1. If I had the time, I'd update it myself...
@Cocoaholic WTF?! Nu al geindexeerd?! ZOMG!


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