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And by thongs, I mean.. actually, fuck clarification!
Slipped and fell onto the road not once, but twice. Impressively skinned myself the second time. Don't wear thongs in the rain, kids.
Staying up late. Hello, New York!
@amniisia: You and your awesome-music-photo-takings.
Skype meeting allows me to *see* the glory of @mroth's 80's gay pornstache.
The dogs don't grok the doggy door in the new place, even though I managed to squeeze through it as a demonstration.
Trying to catch up on tweets after one day offline, while they keep rolling in: not unlike trying to block a river with a single tissue.
@blaix: Peanut buttnana = heart attack, but damn if my prostate won't be healthy for whomever nabs it when I die.
@swoodie: I hate this part of the year, I think. Maybe I'm just a grouch, though.
@shanand: Hey, no need to Getty fresh with me.
Eating a banana coated in peanut butter. Taste sen-fucking-sation.
Let's Getty this show on the road.
@hotdogsladies: What happens when you run out of your head drugs? Oh wait, see: Internet.
@revdancatt: You put her up to it, didn't you.
@gruber: Sounds like you need a new femmebot.
@sebchan: Today was fun, thanks for that!
Went to a BBQ with George and other Real Grown Ups. Passed myself off as a reasonable facsimile of one.
The agent told us an Irish couple was interested and wanted to know if that was a problem. Thing is, he was being serious.
Spent the whole day at the Powerhouse Museum. The Commons. Six degrees of separation. Behind the scenes. Star Wars! George rocks.


rabble kellan Dunstan Blaine Cook Eric Costello Myles Derek Powazek Jasmeet george Mike Merrill Stewart Butterfield Cal Henderson Simon Batistoni Rev Dan Catt Paul Hammond Aaron Straup Cope Andy Baio Alex Payne Grant Hutchinson John Gruber Matthew Rothenberg Shawn Medero Jeffrey Zeldman Lucas Chan Jason Perkins Britt Selvitelle Phil Dokas Steven Frank Jude Matsalla hotdogsladies Julie Medero Tara james keller eric wu nickd Gino