U.S. Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.)

U.S. Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.)

College Resources

Ensuring that students have access to post-secondary education is a critical priority to me. Being the first in my family to attend college, I know how important higher education is to succeed. I was able to attend college through a combination of hard work - I loaded trucks for UPS throughout college to earn money - and federal student loans and grants. I am committed to ensuring that today's students have the same opportunities I had.

I have put together this collection of web sites for students and parents interested in learning more about post-secondary education. I hope you will find it useful, and if there is anything my office can do to help, please contact me.

Public Institutions

Public Institutions

Private Institutions

Technical/Vocational Institutions

Financial Aid

College Rankings and Guides

  • US News Online - search for schools based on tuition, name, specialities, and distance from home
  • Kaplan Online - information on taking the PSAT, SAT, admissions, financial aid, and graduate school
  • Princeton Review Online - information on SAT, college rankings from tuition cost to parties
  • Yahoo College Search - search by college name, major, state or by tuition


A Day on Capitol Hill