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If ActionScript is powerful enough for a C64 emulator, why has no one written an SVG renderer?
My map's in the Guardian print edition today! Very excited :)
@plasticbagUK the map shows raw numbers, not density - but all constituencies are meant to have roughly the same population
My heat map of BNP membership is on the front page of :)
Worst idea for a Facebook app ever: "which of your friends is a member of the BNP?"
Admiring the recent redesign - when did that go live?
@natbat is baking me a squadron of pielets!
The standard of hacks at Guardian Hack Day is outstanding
Urgh. Stayed up all night for Guardian Hack Day. Made a cool hack though.
@dracos just taught me to put "syntax on" in ~/.vimrc
Finally got round to putting up a countdown script for running lightning talks at - add #90 to configure it.
Finally built a real app in Dabble DB, to manage hack day presentation submissions - took all of 15 minutes, stupidly easy, very happy
Checked out the Guardian's ridiculously fancy new digs at Kings Place - two concert halls!
Now stuck at London Bridge. Closer, at least.
Looking for URLs of neat things built in 24hrs at a hack day - got any?
Train cancellation has left me stranded at Haywards Heath for half an hour. Not a good start to the day.
@theteacosy has a new menu, lovely welsh rarebit but they keep selling out of Battenburg
Hmmm... it's very nice, but it needs MOAR DRAGONS
Exploring Brighton Pavilion. Running theme seems to be "you can never have too many dragons"


rabble kellan Dunstan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest veen danah boyd Matt Matt Jones Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch adam Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Jason Calacanis Nikolaj Nyholm Paul Smith Dan Cederholm Robert Brook Stewart Butterfield Molly E. Holzschlag Cal Henderson l.m. orchard ribot termie Keith Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith MJ Ian Forrester Tantek Çelik Hickensian Richard Rutter Gabe Wachob Norm!
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