Simon Willison’s Favorites

Charles Arthur
charlesarthur Aw. Baby born to two Gdn staffers in Wash DC hosp just as Obama made acceptance speech. Hello, Laurence Barack Stuart Adams. Yup.
Bobbie Johnson
bobbiejohnson US shifting the I-94 visa waiver to the internet? Must remember that one for family visitors:
Kevin Marks
kevinmarks zuck: 'our developers prefer our API to the supposed "open" stack' - sample bias, perhaps?
Nat Torkington
gnat advice for those submitting conference talk proposals: your bio should not be longer than your talk description.
iamdanw "this was a pretty successful Zeppelin disaster" - @simonw
Tomasz Wegrzanowski
Reinier Zwitserloot
surial Gadget show and tell, silly (but fun) lightning talk - yep, #barcamplondon5 sunday.Simon Willison also scared me shitless about web security
George Brocklehurst
georgebrock is at Simon Willison's web app security talk, we are all doomed
Julian Burgess
aubergene Back from a very interesting talk by Simon Willison about database journalism
GDorn #djangocon: "This is a trivial patch" == "Here are some bugs I thought you should have"
Natbat OH "I saw them live once and they were amazing! ... it helped that I had eaten a joint ... but they were amazing!"
why the lucky stiff
_why when you don't create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create.
Simon Willison
simonw no remote control, so: ssh simon@PowerBook.local. "osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke \"f\" using command down'"
David Reid
dreid Just realized the girl I get my coffee from is actually two girls.
Matt Biddulph
mattb "Silicon Roundabout": the ever-growing community of fun startups in London's Old Street area
Natbat @simonw thats lovely! :) (I didn't click past number 4 because I know they eat guinapigs in peru ...)
Blaine Cook
blaine Tomorrow on valleywag and techcrunch: Blaine Cook goes to the MONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM. Helps them scale their whales.
Gavin Bell
zzgavin finishing talk for OpenTech tomorrow and fighting jetlag, talk heading more Lessig / Willison in pace as a result
Natbat Simon just held and flew a snowy owl!
Andy Baio
waxpancake Unearthed an awesome five-part documentary about computer history from 1992:


rabble kellan Dunstan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest veen danah boyd Matt Matt Jones Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch adam Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Jason Calacanis Nikolaj Nyholm Paul Smith Dan Cederholm Robert Brook Stewart Butterfield Molly E. Holzschlag Cal Henderson l.m. orchard ribot termie Keith Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith MJ Ian Forrester Tantek Çelik Hickensian Richard Rutter Gabe Wachob Norm!
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