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@nathanpitman don't know Backyardigans. Is that on C Beebies? That's all that goes on in our place.
is waiting for the bus, humming the Nina and the Neurons theme tune. :-/
Checking bug tickets on, wishing they were on . Would that make them easier to fix?
It may be about quality, not quantity. But it's also about quantity of quality.
@bokardo Tumblr wins for requiring the least amount of data input.
@AlunR and @danoliver fortunately a friend of mine is a Stokke sales rep :)
@andybudd brakes stuck on is better than brakes stuck off.
@andybudd bring it on. good practice for SXSW bowling if it's on again...
@damianpoole i think its trapped in there, like napster but free.
@jennilloyd i don't think you get invites right away. gotta use it for a while first or something...
is trying out Spotify. Holy awesomeness, this is good.
stands corrected about baby #2, eta now mid-May.
@jennilloyd nice, but the colour picker UI moves away from the mouse when you click certain colours. that's not so great.
@nathanpitman thanks for the congrats :) baby #2 due early June.
@BenWard such a shame Tumblr doesn't have a comments system.
has the spinning beachball of death on most applications. May need a restart.
@rellyab is that all it is? wow... :-O
@boxman & @bokardo i, too, wish i could avoid using iCal. It's just horrible to use.
has got to that point where adding a feed to the RSS reader means "never to be looked at again".


Dom Sagolla Matt Jones Colin Schlüter ribot Keith Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Hickensian Richard Rutter Norm! David Stone Pete Lambert Drew McLellan Natalie Ben Ward Josh Russell Derek Featherstone Matthew Pennell pixeldiva Simon Willison Steve Marshall Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Paul Lloyd Garrett Dimon Paul Boag Bobbie Johnson Jessica Paul Hammond Stuart Colville Frances Paul Downey Dave Nattriss Craig Rachel Andrew trovster
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