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@welshcathy thanks, but i'm thinking about coffee-snob coffee - really good coffee like at Monmouth in Covent Garden.
accepting the Boomkat mailout as my personal saviour, and checking out Geeneus, "Volumes: One".
Wishing there was good coffee between shoreditch high st and old st roundabout. Going to risk Food Hall.
@andypiper twitterfon keeps crashing for me once it's loaded the latest tweets. OMG TWITTERVIRUS.
thanks for the advice and offers of US addresses. seems to work quite well: (another canon 5dmkii test)
vimeo's paid accounts are only available to US residents. hmm. where can i host HD video without it being mangled?
back from a very pleasant photography wander around hackney in the winter sun.
@phl well, you know me and being good at games... it looks and moves really nicely. it kicks my arse.
final cut express is confusing. wondering where to start learning.
unexpected tax rebate powerup!
Zipping into the office on my day off to collect a package.
am i a transpreneur?
OH: "congratulations to nokia on producing a hell of an HTC killer"
umm, is that really Friendster sitting with Facebook, myspace and ovi in that n97 shot on engadget?
ah, my fault for accepting christmas offer of free delivery: could be up to 5 days. oh well.
wondering where citylink has got to.
stansted -> liverpool st -> dopplr hq
Up early for the commute to London.
pleased with today's work: a wrapper around the objc OAuth library to make it easier to use from an iPhone app. hoping to opensource soon.
on my way to day 2 of mobiledevcamp, where i hope to make an actual thing in the hackday.


Evan Williams rabble kellan Dunstan Marc Hedlund Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Eric Case veen Buzz Andersen danah boyd Matt Jones peterme Mr Messina Harper Scott Beale Buster McLeod Maureen Evans Michael Buffington Eric Wahlforss Dave Morin Alexander Ljung lane Charles W Timo foe Giles Turnbull Derek Powazek joshua schachter george toxi Stewart Butterfield Caterina Mark Simpkins Courtney P Thor Muller
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