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My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said "no". But I wanted a regular banana later, so I said "yes"
@AndySwan If we bailout the real estate agents, don't we have to bailout the car salesmen? What is the fairness in that?
Cowbell Hero (Guitar Hero's Next Edition) -
Auto workers agree to take stock instead of future health-care and benefit payments. $F $GM $$
$INDU $DJI 200 point swings in the DOW up, then down in the span of 8 minutes. Cool. Which of the 30 are the big movers?
@The_Real_Fly Your comment about communist scumbag unions made me laugh! Funny how they will kill their own livelihood. Pay Cut or Pay==0 ?
Hulu has figured out, & executed on, porting television to the internet. Eg of a full length movie with interstitial ads
It is not possible to watch this clip and not laugh - Physically impossible. Seriously.
@neelbubba No marketplace works without having products that people want to buy.
Dogs are forever in the pushup position.
@neelbubba A company that creates the marketplace for virtual goods is better than a company that creates compelling virtual goods. := scale
YouTube videos are pulling in serious money -
FWIW, I am long on $F at $3.20 Let's see what happens tomorrow.
Chinese property hunters to raid US
Speed up Windows Vista with these performance tweaks -
@KeithShepard Great trading post by Keith Shepard $$
Rock Band (the game) creator get $300,000,000 bonus. I think he's my new hero.
@upsidetrader Excellent post! I particularly like the part about how unemployment rates r calculated differently than they were in the 20s
Dow Jones $DJIA closes down $238 at $8695. This was a retracement day.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Chris Sacca Matt Galligan om Dave McClure Michael Parekh Scott Beale Kevin Lawver Dave Morin Jason Calacanis Steve Ganz Jonathan Abrams Nate Koechley Robert Scoble David Weekly Andy Swan Joi Ito Loic Le Meur Six Apart Barack Obama Michael Arrington Jeff Clavier Ryan Block Fred Wilson StockTickr MissTrade Freddy Mini why the lucky stiff Mensa Philippines Brad Webb Svetlana Gladkova mark goines Steffan Antonas Loic Le Meur