Steve Ganz’s Favorites

Melissa Clark
melissaclark Daydreaming about weekend plans at w/ @steveganz.
Melissa Clark
melissaclark So far in my shopping endeavors of the day Steve and Dominic are getting lots of stuff. Me, nothing. :-/
Melissa Clark
melissaclark is a lucky gal. :)
Melissa Clark
melissaclark Dear lord, what are those unicorns doing to one another? ;)
Melissa Clark
melissaclark Just shared my guilty pleasure.
prestonpuggle Why does Daddy drink so much?
Steve Ganz
steveganz I'm doing a usability study and would appreciate just a couple of minutes of your time:
Alex Rudloff
Joshua Blount
stickwithjosh Why does it take me 20 minutes to change positions every time I get a new job on LinkedIn? FAIL
Steve Ganz
steveganz If a web browser passes the Acid2 test, and no one is able to see it, does it make a sound?
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman Golly! Who cut off YouTube's head and puked down its neck? Gotta love all those new ads everywhere! And obliterating one's cookie? Delicioso
Rex Hammock
r Observation: LinkedIn users think V-card means this , Facebook users think it means
Brian Oberkirch
brianoberkirch Sweet potato hash, yes. Hashish, yes. Hash tags, no, man, no. Keep the metadata out the data.
jennifer paxton
tendrel wrote a blog post about the fires - - I wonder when it will stop burning.
Nate Ritter
nateritter #sandiegofire Officials: "Red Cross stretched to the limit"
Steve Ganz
steveganz Don't do that. They'll call security.
Steve Ganz
steveganz Start flashing it around at meetings and pounding on the table!
Steve Ganz
steveganz They're rock solid.
Steve Ganz
steveganz The Values? The Principles?