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sitting at school in italy trying to remember everything i wanted to check online before access runs out.
My last twttr 4 now. will figure out how 2 send cool italian msgs in the next wk or so. 4 now, miss me. i know i'll miss u.
Finally sitting. will be sitting 4 a while. at least there's a swanky lounge 2 do it in.
Getting down 2 the final hrs. weird that as of 2morrow i live in italy. i think my bags are too heavy.
Taking a brief break b4 continuing like a bat outta hell.
About to do my last wine tasting outing in SoCo. for the next yr at least
Only 2 full & 1 partial day left until my move to Italy. wow. good night moon. good night twttr.
Need 2 figure out intl twttr & see NG
Antsy. in various states of undress. watching monk.
Loving the well wishes but not loving the farewells. it's not really registering.
Good meal, great company... what more can u ask for?
Tony & Sarah: 630 2nite
Would like 2 have my cake AND eat it too.
Looking fwd 2 the dinner party 2nite
I can't believe i'm not going 2 live w my dog. :(
Feeling a little jaded
Sometimes u just have 2 give in 2 the fast food burger. the trick is not 2 look @ it 2 closely or think about which part ur really eating.
Now i find it odd when i wake up without a twttr
Having a nightcap & feeling very Donna Reid.
Feeling overwhelmed by the remnants in my house