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Having a cuppa with Jake. Waiting for the "kids" to get back from W. F..
Home again from a quick 3.5 hour trip to Gainesville. I think it's time for a nap.
Gabrielle's favorite garbage man has changed routes. She is crying like he has died. I know I shouldn't laugh, but this is too funny.
That last message should have read about you girls...not your girls. I know you have a girl and a boy. *sigh* I am really tired tonight ...
@sourgrapegr I'm so glad to hear that because a bad thought would never cross my mind about your girls. *straightens halo*
@sourgrapegr You bitch about your wonderful loving BEAUTIFUL housemates?
This house is so quiet. I must be in an alternative universe.
I think my bed is calling my name. Who cares if it's only 4:21 p.m.?
Revisionist history lets a person feel vindicated.
Listening to Jake read stories to Gabbs and Zayne. It's a trip listening to him mangle the strange names.
Eating popcorn and chatting with the Gabbs.
Eating white chili. Pondering the meaning of life...for stupid people.
Just had to set Home Depot straight on how their employees treat their customers. It was not a pretty thing!
Going to go put my feet up. Tonight is game night with Elsie. I must rest up for the onslaught!
@sourgrapegr *laughing hysterically* I thought you wanted to jab him in the eye!
@sourgrapegr and who might that be? *snort*
Eating homemade chocolate chip cookies. Ahhhh...the breakfast of champions.
@Bryna Good morning to you. Are you moving this week?
@meangrape @dawndee36 I still suffer from raving insomnia every now and then. In my 30s and 40s it would last for weeks. Sorry about that.
Waiting for my morning coffee and hearing voices from Wind's area.


meangrape sourgrapegr Bryna Evelyn Izzie dawndee36 Lyric