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"Sissies. Just type it in" -- @bmizerany re: no view helpers in Sinatra
Preparing notes for a CloudKit presentation tonight.
Cutting request backlogs by an order of magnitude with a SQL tweak is kind of like success. #britneyspearsquotes
A big thank you to the Songbird community. 1.0 just went live!
Finally used the in-place editor on GitHub. Very nice.
Coffee is the new having-a-vision.
@komi You will be missed.
Extremely productive morning. I blame Philip Glass. Again.
We have a long way to go before "In-browser IDE" isn't an oxymoron. However, cloud computing may eventually make the reverse case absurd.
@PelleB Congratulations on the Agree2 launch!
Testing the new Songbird DAAP client.
OMYBAMA my twitterrank is HTTP status code 401 - Authorization Required.
Given the history of Windows, maybe their new "I'm a PC and I will take you down" ad isn't such a good idea. #freeconsulting
Twitterrific's right click menu taunts with "Open User's Web Page/Twitter Page." As does @defunkt.
Don't say "web page." #publicserviceannouncement
Enjoying an evening of Sartre, ruby, and candy.
Bracing for a good Slashdot-ing.
Checking out


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