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The google reader's new look has turned my entire world upside down. I don't even know what to do.
@graysky So strange that that entire page is an image
@graysky Now to worry about Jimmy Eat World/Clarity tix. If only there was some sort of concert tracker to notify me about shows I'd like...
Bought tickets off Craigslist to see Hum play on New Year's day. If Chavez was the opening band I wouldn't ever need to see another show.
Congrats on the funding, SML.
First snowy commute of the winter.
Borders has Planet Earth on HD-DVD for $10. Time to squeeze a tiny bit more life out of this thing...
Finally back up to 10 Mbps after RCN fixed some problems this morning. 4 bars on netflix/xbox live is much better than 1.
Maybe brazilian steakhouse for thanksgiving will be our new tradition.
Heading back to Boston for a 4-day weekend
Strange, twitter is (temporarily?) no longer blocked at work. Either way, I'll probably stick with BeTwittered on iGoogle.
Eating elk stew while it snows for the first time this year
Evaluating myself and my coworkers via the Performance Measurement Management tool is about as much fun as it sounds.
Why don't I have a dedicated xbox tv? All this not playing GoW 2 while Bones is on is killing me.
Purchased a book from amazon on the train ride to work after reading a good review. A rite of passage for all iphone owners?
Reviving @wsif and adding some fun new features
Things were surprisingly quiet on my street last night given the number of obama signs, bumper stickers, chalkings and jack-o-lanterns.
Quick and painless voting experience this morning, but kim's commute through Grant Park was blocked by secret service.
Inevitably, production issues come up right before the end of the trading day and you have to rewind through the entire day's worth of data.


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