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This post is gold! "Top 10 people to unfollow on Twitter" by @swhitley via @bduverneuil
@bduperrin Do you sell software to natives in far-off lands? Or just digital natives? Whopper would be a grand name for your new version ;)
Open tweet to BK: help us discover the local food and culture of distant lands you want to sell your burgers in #whopper
@enzobalc Is advertising art? Should advertising push societal limits? I say no, b/c brands pay for us to see ads; we pay to see art.
@digitalmaverick Tell your follower that silence is complicity
@devinreams Offensive advertising creates buzz under the guise that "bad publicity brings good results." But society pays a price each time.
RT @JoeCascio: Just unfollowed someone who turned their avatar into "your ad here" gif animation.I liked you dude, but Homey don't play that
@johnfleming There's no choice but to take that ad at face value. I don't see any redeeming humor in it.
@grinfax Good point. I hope that's not true. I hope it's that they would like to make you think they had to travel far to find them.
@digitalmaverick It's a disgrace. It's also telling that such an ad would even exist. Something is rotten in the state of advertising.
Online brand monitoring keeps growing. Here are 8 free tools:
@mleis What strikes me most about those images is how alien those burgers look when placed in foreign cultural contexts
@mleis Yep. Don't trust Madison Avenue to preserve cultural diversity. Game season is wide open on brand virgins in China and other parts.
@Mobasoft The OpenID community seems tight-knit. Paid voting makes it even harder for outsiders to step in with new ideas.
Cultural imperialism? You decide:
@Mobasoft I know. I guess they're trying to raise funds, but paying $25 to vote is too much, IMHO.
@Mobasoft The nomination process is open and people can nominate themselves until Monday.
The OpenID foundation is seeking board members
@timrosenblatt In this case, ignorance is definitely bliss. Better not to know.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams veen Jerry Michalski Matt Galligan danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Richard Ault Jay Goldman Wayne Sutton Ross om Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Brian Oberkirch Michael Parekh Kathy Johnson Tim Kersey Hillary Hartley tommy payne Darla Mack Scott Beale David Crow President Monteiro Thomas Vander Wal WDavidStephenson Josh Bancroft (jeff)isageek Brett Petersel Chris Prakoso Dave Morin
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