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@felipesunol Good idea, let me know how it goes :) Also, next version of icon resource will feature more material on visual UI design.
@Zyote "Your design sucks, it's like 30 kb! >:("
@mattgemmell "see, our icons cost more. Ours are 50 GB. Size matters. "
@felipesunol brilliant. Finally have all my UI and web inspiration in one, well-designed place. Great set of snapping tools, and runs fast.
@gedeon does it have rainbows and ponies?
This may be the first time my icons end up 'printed' on a device instead of in the interface.
Getting a sore throat and feeling a bit sicky at the start of this incredibly busy and critical weekend full of work. Bad bad bad body.
@desaulniers It'll be completely developed by mid-January, so only a limited amount of people are testing the current url-shorty functions.
Sealed the deal on a rushed assignment from a very high-profile client. Crunch mode engaged.
@dan13l Ha! We owe a lot to her ;)
@MikeTRose the word 'corporate blogger' evokes images in my mind of frowning employees in suits sitting behind beige boxes, typing all day.
@mantia make an official-looking website with that acronym and don't mention what it is about, and add stock photos of children, may work ;)
@Zyote Yeah, I personally use the microwave for that. No fancy machines here but a microwave, low-tech stirrer and a moka express :)
@manton That's pretty much the exact reason why I tossed out my mighty mouse and bought a Logitech. No scrolling = fail.
@mantia Would the Louie Mantia gets a Cintiq fund be willing to partner up with the related Seb gets a Cintiq fund? :P


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