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@traceym75 - Those cars are awesome! I Would love to drive one!
WOW, I need to tweet more! Good Morning everyone.
@junglgrl I just heard about that. I am considering it.
@krianbalma You would have done it if you wouldn't have had to clean it up after! :-)
@TheGrok Also without Arnold, it's just not right!
@TheGrok Robots too advanced, weird cast. Looks good but has lost all the nostalgia and originality. Looks too much like transformers.
@brandonrlv WOW, you should have got a pic of him!
@dylanbathurst what others do you like. I am looking for a new one to try.
@_ndub Waffles for lunch! Very cool!
@tbrunelle Extremely funny video! Thanks that made my day!
@brandonrlv WOW, I heard a rumor but I didn't know it was true. Damn!
@brandonrlv No whats the deal with unemployment?
@gerardramos Thanks for the good link. I didn't know about 24 ways but I will be following now.
@brandonrlv I am good man! Thanks for checking. I have been really busy and my phone is pretty busted but I am trying to keep up with tweets
@leaps Wow I hope Dash feels better soon!