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Two straight nights of football, I actually FEEL old
@katspeech, pretty sure I'm the only one dancin'
Was just called sly like a Bengali, sounds like me.
@dens The only two NYU grads I know are jobless. Smaht. But jobless.
@dens When ya going? I'll meet ya there! To nip town I mean.
Someone in the office pops their collar. Not cool. Not ironically cool. Not cool because it's not cool. Not cool for any reason.
Writing a TinyMCE plugin, just a heads up.
Windsor bound, maybe Legoland?
Ji-sung park is the James brown of football
All hot for Ladyhawke, who feels me?
@youngna you, ok? That's really sad
Attempt 2 was Velvet Underground = You win
Experiment: what you listnen to? Michael Buble v T.I.
ok jt, I'll support you just this once
England v Germany at a pub
Pint after Tuesday night footie. Ahhh
@twit You successfully brought together the most annoying group of characters on this weeks show. Nobody listens to anyone.
Oh and FIFA '09 is up and running. Goodbye productivity, goodbye kittens, goodbye Katherine, goodbye sunshine.
Exchange rate is now <1.5:1, Bought me a TV for like 15ยข