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@dmNYC Does it count as dine-and-dash if the chips are free?
Chipotle you are so delicious sometimes I just want to just punch you in the face! xo
@rob5408 No travels plans, was just catching up on my RSS when I stumbled upon that EROTICA BLOG EVERYONE THINKS I NOW READ REGULARLY!
@dougjaeger75 I want my Paul Pope print! (You gotta channel your inner "Better Off Dead" for the full effect"
I'd say 95% of the time the iPhone pulls that "Hey, lemme auto-rotate the screen for you" trick I'm trying to read the NYTimes in bed. FAIL.
@superkb Last day? Last day! Congratz? Congrats! Barack just texted me and said he's proud of you!
Sweet Jesus, when did American Apparel banner ads get so racy? I just saw 2 nips while reading up on Prague. PG-13, kids!
Annoying: the way I have to rest my arm on keyboard due to wrist brace changes my posture every so slightly and now my neck is KILLING ME.
Hey transit nerds, check out the API that BART (SF subway) just launched.. Imagine if the NYC transit did this? Hoo doggy!
Just switched from CNN to MSNBC (ch 14) to watch @Choire get his Britney Bday analysis on. (they got any good snacks in that green room?)
@slavin Somewhere in the Twitterverse there's a buzzword bingo game starring you: jetlag, lost items, MIDDLE SQUARE, sleep, broken tech FTW!
@ceonyc Hmm... gonna pass on dodgeball. I busted my wrist up snowboardng last weeked! I'm out till January. Wah!
@ceonyc Okay, let's try this again now that I've gotten my Follow on...
@liabulaong Congrats, you just won a one-way ticket to Punch in the Arm City! :)
Retweeting @harryh: dodgeball is gonna be down for ~2 days. The datacener it's in is down for repairs & it's too much trouble to temp move.
Go outside and look up! Those two bright things to the right of the moon are Jupiter (top) and Venus (bottom). Get your astronomy-nerd on!
Having to wear wrist brace makes the internets 70% less fun. On a brighter note: soup + turkey grilled cheese + leftover chocolate milk FTW!
@arainert FB app *does* ignore the @ messages (meaning @ messages don't get pushed to FB status). Am I the last person to figure this out?
@arainert Testing this Facebook app that updates my Twitter status. Does it ignore my @ messages?
New GnR album sucks so hard I had to delete it from my iTunes. Randomly coming across the songs on shuffle mode was a dealbeaker.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Eric Case Jason Shellen danah boyd Pete Hopkins Mary Hodder Chad Thornton Michael Sharon Buster McLeod Lilly harryh Dan Melinger joshua schachter naveen Stewart Butterfield Courtney P Josh Knowles Jyri Engeström Stacey Herron Alex Rainert Daniel Newman Megan McCarthy mishmosh Faludi Meg Hourihan Zach Klein ChrisH mike Mickipedia Matt Webb
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