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@cshirky did you just admit to violating the DMCA on Twitter? That has criminal penalities, you know. Tsk tsk.
@veen why not debate a comfortable chair?
why did people think NIrvana was all that? Were they somehow unaware of Sonic Youth?
Unfortunate headline "Google Gears Down for Tougher Times". /Gears/ is a verb there, not the product name.
Putting a sign on the door: "this is a house of plague, none may enter"
@kastang the iPhone is not a terribly good cell phone. My first gen flakes on calls a lot, the 3G is rumoured to be worse.
@kastang I'd say my favourite iPhone app was the phone, but it doesn't work very well. maybe the web browser when on WiFi?
I feel so cold on hookers and gin ... This mess we're in.
@shellen hate to say it, but there is a group of people who still use the word "cyber". It's a verb.
listening to all 10,000 music tracks on shuffle play. whipsaw from bluegrass to glitch to 18th c. classical to rap
realizing I haven't ripped a CD in five months
some stranger wants to be my friend on Yelp. I feel: creeped out.
@youngamerican Xbox 360 is great for AVI playback. Not as good for HD m4v files, etc. More on my blog
heavy cough + gagging + sore throat = lose
feeling sicker by the hour.
@goldman salmonella adds seasoning
helicopter noise from the Castro is now obnoxious here in Noe Valley, over the hill. Go away.
admiring my new chandelier. installed! firing the designer was the best thing I could have done


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams Dom Sagolla Alissa Steve Jenson Marc Hedlund Blaine Cook Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Eric Case veen Jason Shellen danah boyd President Monteiro Michael Buffington lane joshua schachter Stewart Butterfield Cal Henderson Jeffrey McManus Beth Tom Coates Andy Baio Alex Payne Sutter Anil Dash Terry Jones mbostock Chris DiBona Status Updates Technodaddy Jeremy Zawodny Britt Selvitelle