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Uncut from Israel:
Chinese Democracy, what were they thinking?
Also: for those who have been asking about the clips from last week's New Orleans episode, they're here
Rollins UNCUT 2nd new documentary episode from South Africa on IFC, thanks for watching everybody
Signed in to Twitter for first time in a week 1/2. Laughing my ass off at some of your @'s.
Hoarse from yelling/talking so much on stage. Anger is an abrasive. Obama is better for my vocal cords.
I think the heads at Twitter really just wanted @henryrollins for some unknown future purpose that probably involves advertising.
Hi Twitter, thanks for fucking with my account and stealing my username.
Knowledge without mileage is bullshit to me
I'm calling it The Recountdown Tour 2008: BTW, upcoming CA dates are 9/19 (Berkeley) and 9/20 (Concord)
I'll be celebrating the dissolution of the Bush era with a brand-new, election-themed spoken word tour that starts in Ames, IA on Sept. 18th
In Liverpool, learning that we the people now have an Alaskan VP pick who sits on a fucking Grizzly bear rug her grandfather shot.
Kerouac. What a pussy. I still don't know what the fascination is. Can't identify. On the road, but not on the street.
Nothing brings people together more than mutual hatred.
LA. It's where my modem is.
You know, seeing Led Zeppelin did not suck, in the least.
Get in the van
No, that Iggy reference was not an oblique way of indicating equipment theft, I'm happy to report
My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud
The roadies are all bitching about how expensive the UK is now for non-Euro people


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