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Video Game Report: X-com under 98 under VMWare hangs with a blank screen. This is not my night.
netbsd 4.0.1 install under vmware fusion 2.0 hangs at 36%. nuts!
installing windows 98 SE in vmware fusion. I just want to play X-Com. (@goldman, I'll let you know if this works)
@_evan that nonsense is complicated! I made a screensaver with the public_timeline but haven't figured out how to package it "for reals"
@phopkins don't use the McLovin license and you should be ok.
happy thanksgiving, @twitter. In making pumpkin cupcakes for the family, @stacy has exceeded the capacity of her mixer.
"it might use up some of earth's last remaining precious network bytes." - @robey
@abecedarius is this on github? did you write it in nawk? :-)
are there good alternatives to 1Password out there? @stacy is not digging her experience.
@gstein sorry, I just meant, stop and think why your idea wouldn't work for us. you're assuming something fundamental about our name search.
@gstein I know, the final outcome was disappointing. We busted our butts to find something that would work well. :-(
@gstein I'll go ahead and let you think about why your name search idea isn't very good.
maybe we can write a twitter client for the arduino.
congrats to @rael! Excited to have him around for reals and what not.
I just saw the latino Robert Evans. Looks like he is judging some dancers. Makes sense.
surprise birthday dinner with my dad!
cheering up @stacy (it's been a very long weekend) by trying to figure out strategies for winning the netflix prize.
At my cousin amy's wedding with the lovely @stacy.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla kellan sara Livia Shannon Krissy Bush Alissa Philip Kaplan Craig Calef Stacy Jenson, dammit Steve Mays Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell mai Eric Case Jason Shellen Lane Chris Sacca danah boyd Pete Hopkins angus Salim caroline lorna Niall Kennedy Michael Herf Erika Hall bryan mason
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