Steve Jenson’s Favorites

Tim Perrett
timperrett Just noticed how crap the google groups source HTML is!
Eric Jensen
ej turning off computers, such sweet salvation
Andre Torrez
torrez Created a moblogging, image posting script in python today. #fipilele
abdur @stevej I want in on the dim sum also...
Alex Payne
al3x Liquor shipping laws in the US are a bunch of fascist bullshit.
bryan mason
bryanmason Hank is sitting alone on the deck reading. He does not care that it is 55 degrees and that he cannot read.
Evan Williams
ev Dreamt I got busted for a pirated app on my Kindle. Kindle police came knocking at the house at the racetrack @biz and I were staying at.
Chris Sacca
sacca I move through SFO with alarming familiarity, precision, and efficiency.
abecedarius Don't you hate it when you need something from a book you've purged? Another point for the snap-everything plan.
robey *three* 14 busses in a row, lined up.
_evan @stevej It is. The future of R&B is on the line.
Matt Haughey
mathowie AIM blast is possibly the worst idea of all time:
Evan Williams
ev Looking for a twitterized sexy werewolf novel based in SF with a cameo by @hrheingold? @wolfstory may be the account for you to follow.
Joshua Green Allen
fireland I'm fine with waking up in Epcot wearing a nursing bra -- not the first time, won't be the last -- but I could do without all the screaming.
Stirman As I get older, I'm noticing an inverse relationship between how much I care about what clothes I wear and the volume of me blowing my nose.
Bryan O'Sullivan
bos31337 A list of functional programmers who use Twitter:
John Adams
netik @stevej I got one of those emails from Apple as well. Still debating if I want to give them $99 for the privilege to code.
Alex Payne
al3x Being given the "if you don't pet me I will end you" look by @casecat.
Alex Payne
al3x If I was as smart as Tony Morris and Daniel Spiewak put together I would destroy cities with my mind for fun.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla kellan sara Livia Shannon Krissy Bush Alissa Philip Kaplan Craig Calef Stacy Jenson, dammit Steve Mays Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell mai Eric Case Jason Shellen Lane Chris Sacca danah boyd Pete Hopkins angus Salim caroline lorna Niall Kennedy Michael Herf Erika Hall bryan mason
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